I never thought this day would come.....as of today Baby K is considered Full Term! What a relief! I have anxiously been awaiting this week...secretly....knowing that if I hit 37 weeks and Baby K was still in my stomach everything would be properly working for this child to live outside of my stomach! YEAH!!! I did have my weekly doctor's appointment on Tuesday and everything checked out perfect! Baby K's heart beat was 145-148 BPM, my stomach was measuring 37 weeks which is right on track as well!
Last night was a very interesting night though....atleast for Baby K! I was laying on the couch, me on one end Danny on the other....it's hard now to squeeze both of us on one side.....my stomach just doesn't allow the cuddling that it used to. Anyways....I was feeling ALOT of movement from the baby, so I lifted my shirt up and sure enough I had a foot in my left rib, and a rear-end in my right rib....and Danny could see it all...he said your stomach looks DEFORMED :) That's because it was....this child really likes kicking my ribs...not that I mind, because I love feeling the baby move around in my stomach.
I did get the official word from the doctor on Tuesday that if anything weird happens I need to go STRAIGHT to the hospital, it's normally call the office and we'll decide what you need to do, but I think I'm at the point where anything can happen now.
We put the car seat in the Pathfinder on Sunday and that was an interesting task! Our neighbors got a good kick out of both Danny and I trying to do this. They sure don't make baby equipment easy for parents to put together now a days!
Following Danny and Megan's adventures into the life of parenting, and welcoming their first "turkey" into this world!
New background
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Happy Belated Birthday Danny
I completely forgot to post a Happy 29th Birthday to my wonderful husband Danny!!!
So here's a little treat for everyone who needed a little "Danny" in their life! I love you!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
36 weeks and counting!
As of today I am officially 36 weeks!!! I think baby K is the size of a small pumpkin (around 6 lbs) conveniently. I have had a few people at work tell me that my stomach has dropped (I'm not quite sure what that means), but I'm hoping it doesn't mean that the baby will be here in the next few days! I'm sure Danny would enjoy not sharing his birthday with our first child...Just kidding Danny!!
Anyways...I went to the Doctor on Monday and she told me my cervix was thinning and I'm dilated 1/2 CM, which really has no significance at all. I could be dilated 1/2 CM for another 3 weeks or so! Starting this week I go to the doctors every week.....just to make sure I'm progressing each week!
I'm still feeling pretty good, although sleeping through the night has been very difficult lately.....I'm not sure if it's Derby snoring or the fact that I get up to use the restroom 3x's per night!
Last weekend Shelley Pratt threw our final baby shower for us! Shelley is a great hostess, and made the most adorable cakes (diaper cake made by her) and YUMMY eatable cake (made by her mom)! THANK YOU!! We received so many thoughtful gifts from friends and family, we have very little left to get thanks to everyone!! We will be making one more trip to Babies R Us this weekend, just to make sure every last thing is checked off the list in case Baby K decides to make an early entrance into the world! If not mentally ready we'll be physically ready that's for sure!
Anyways...I went to the Doctor on Monday and she told me my cervix was thinning and I'm dilated 1/2 CM, which really has no significance at all. I could be dilated 1/2 CM for another 3 weeks or so! Starting this week I go to the doctors every week.....just to make sure I'm progressing each week!
I'm still feeling pretty good, although sleeping through the night has been very difficult lately.....I'm not sure if it's Derby snoring or the fact that I get up to use the restroom 3x's per night!
Last weekend Shelley Pratt threw our final baby shower for us! Shelley is a great hostess, and made the most adorable cakes (diaper cake made by her) and YUMMY eatable cake (made by her mom)! THANK YOU!! We received so many thoughtful gifts from friends and family, we have very little left to get thanks to everyone!! We will be making one more trip to Babies R Us this weekend, just to make sure every last thing is checked off the list in case Baby K decides to make an early entrance into the world! If not mentally ready we'll be physically ready that's for sure!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Happy TWO Year Anniversary - Danny

I'm a little late on posting this, but wanted to put a special note up on the blog to Danny!
First off I can't believe it has been two years......they have gone by so fast! I have enjoyed every waking moment that Danny and I have been married and the three years before that when we were just dating!! Danny has been my best friend and soul mate, and I can't thank him enough for everything that he has done for me and with me! He has been my greatest inspiration in life, and I hope to celebrate many more Happy anniversaries with him!!
We are about to embark on the biggest adventure of our lifetime, and I couldn't imagine sharing it with anyone else! I can't wait to see Danny hold our first child!
Happy Anniversary Danny! I love you!
Baby Shower & 10 Year High School Reunion part II
Thank you to Bubbs and Sarah (and Peggy) for hosting my very first baby shower for Baby K! We had an absolute blast during the shower, and it was so good to see everyone that I had not seen in forever! Thank you all for making the shower such a memorable experience!!!
I also had a second shower the following weekend which was amazing as well! Danny and I are very blessed to have such loving friends and family in our lives! I only have pictures from the first shower, as my mom has yet to send pictures from the second shower (but Thank you Teresa and Mert for hosting our second shower)!
A few weeks ago, Danny and I were also back in Piqua to reminisce with my high school friends at our 10 year high school reunion! I couldn't believe how many people looked the exact same, but everyone looked great!!! I'm also pretty sure I was the ONLY sober person to attend the reunion, which actually worked out well since I was designated as the DD for quite a few people! I'm just glad I could get everyone home safe and sound! I lasted until 3am that night..pretty good for an 8 month pregnant lady!!
I had a Dr's appointment this past Monday and everything is checking out just fine! I'm currently 34 weeks along, with only 6 weeks left until my due date (Nov 18th). Baby K's heartbeat was hovering around 150, and she said everything else checked out great! I did finally figure out what keeps "kicking" me in the middle of the night, and it turns out it's only Baby K's butt :) I thought that was hilarious! The Dr. said that the baby is head down, and has no way to go breech now.....there isn't much room for it to move around or rotate positions between now and my due date!
Fall has finally come to Nashville, and this is Danny and I's favorite season! I love the weather (sweat pants and sweatshirts....which I now have to wear Danny's sweatshirts), changing of the leaves, sitting in front of our fire pit, and wishing I was enjoying some kind of Octoberfest or Pumpkin beer! Only 6 more weeks until I can enjoy one of those! We pulled down our fall decorations last night, which was exciting and Danny will begin the FUN process of decorating our house today! I did find our dogs costumes, and we had a good long laugh last night....if you know our dogs they HATE being dressed up! We took a few practice photos with our new camcorder/camera of the dogs, and you'll see once I post the pictures how miserable our dogs really look!!!
To be honest, I really can't complain too much about my entire pregnancy...everything has been fairly easy and we've had no real problems....I feel very fortunate and now I probably need to knock on some wood! I'm hoping since my pregnancy has been easy thus far, the labor will be just as easy! BUT who am I kidding!!
I hope everyone enjoys the fall weather and until the next post!
I also had a second shower the following weekend which was amazing as well! Danny and I are very blessed to have such loving friends and family in our lives! I only have pictures from the first shower, as my mom has yet to send pictures from the second shower (but Thank you Teresa and Mert for hosting our second shower)!
A few weeks ago, Danny and I were also back in Piqua to reminisce with my high school friends at our 10 year high school reunion! I couldn't believe how many people looked the exact same, but everyone looked great!!! I'm also pretty sure I was the ONLY sober person to attend the reunion, which actually worked out well since I was designated as the DD for quite a few people! I'm just glad I could get everyone home safe and sound! I lasted until 3am that night..pretty good for an 8 month pregnant lady!!
I had a Dr's appointment this past Monday and everything is checking out just fine! I'm currently 34 weeks along, with only 6 weeks left until my due date (Nov 18th). Baby K's heartbeat was hovering around 150, and she said everything else checked out great! I did finally figure out what keeps "kicking" me in the middle of the night, and it turns out it's only Baby K's butt :) I thought that was hilarious! The Dr. said that the baby is head down, and has no way to go breech now.....there isn't much room for it to move around or rotate positions between now and my due date!
Fall has finally come to Nashville, and this is Danny and I's favorite season! I love the weather (sweat pants and sweatshirts....which I now have to wear Danny's sweatshirts), changing of the leaves, sitting in front of our fire pit, and wishing I was enjoying some kind of Octoberfest or Pumpkin beer! Only 6 more weeks until I can enjoy one of those! We pulled down our fall decorations last night, which was exciting and Danny will begin the FUN process of decorating our house today! I did find our dogs costumes, and we had a good long laugh last night....if you know our dogs they HATE being dressed up! We took a few practice photos with our new camcorder/camera of the dogs, and you'll see once I post the pictures how miserable our dogs really look!!!
To be honest, I really can't complain too much about my entire pregnancy...everything has been fairly easy and we've had no real problems....I feel very fortunate and now I probably need to knock on some wood! I'm hoping since my pregnancy has been easy thus far, the labor will be just as easy! BUT who am I kidding!!
I hope everyone enjoys the fall weather and until the next post!
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