Here comes the Turkey.......
Following Danny and Megan's adventures into the life of parenting, and welcoming their first "turkey" into this world!
New background
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Brady Turns Three!
I cannot believe how fast three years has come and gone! And boy Brady have you really put us on a good roller coaster ride! You are so stinkin cute and we love you with everything we have!
Things you are doing at Three:
1. You can count to 20
2. You recognize all numbers up to 20 and all upper case letters
3. You can write the letters: T, X, H, O
4. You recognize all of your shapes and colors too
5. You still love cars and you prefer to play with them all day long
6. You can dress yourself except you get stuck with your shirts
7. You brush your teeth by yourself but you typically just bounce the brush up and down
8. You had your first dentist appointment and you got a clean bill and NICE teeth report - you were SO good at the dentist too
9. You have gone an entire year with out an ear infection - Thank the lord!
10. You went to school this year (on Mondays and Wednesdays). Your teachers were Miss Kayce and Miss Jodie. YOU LOVED SCHOOL! You rarely had a bad report from your teachers they said you basically ran everywhere
11. You love driving your Power Wheels (jeep) and you are actually a better driver than your sister
12. You are SUPER fast on your bike and scooter and you absolutely have NO FEARS - everyone is shocked at how fearless you really are
13. You are the BEST cuddler and kisser EVER! There is not a day that goes by where you don't give me HUGE hugs and lots of kisses - it melts my heart
14. You say Spageeto instead of mosquito and YELLLLLLLLOW (accent on the LLL) - we are working on Harper pronouncing this word correctly and now you like to say it like this
15. You are a screamer and it drives your daddy and I nuts - it's not a happy scream typically
16. You spend a lot of time in time outs b/c you are constantly hitting or pushing your sister
17. You do not like to share with Harper - we are working through this
18. You sleep in your own bed and love the Country Song (This is how we Roll by Florida Georgia Line)
19. You could eat Chic Fil A all day long
20. You love fruit and typically ask for dippy eggs in the mornings
21. You are constantly on the go. We are weening you off of naps but sometimes its just better to give you a nap
22. You are wearing 2T shorts and 3T pants/shirts size 7 shoe
23. You weighed 30 lbs at your last appt and and were 36 3/4" tall (30%)
24. You have fallen in Miss Mamesia's pool now 3 x's and you were more worried about your pretzels getting wet then drowning (you had no life jacket on) - now Mommy and Miss Mamesia are CPR certified.
Baby boy we love you in every way shape and form! You will always be our little meatball (which you love btw).
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Costa Rica
So many pictures to post but this is it for now.
We went to Costa Rica with Papa and Nona and her family - we had an absolutely amazing time. We had a house with a pool right on the ocean. Harper and Brady LOVED to swim, play in the sand and get their feet in the ocean. They didn't so much like the salty water though.
Great first family vacation - terrible plane ride with both of you. 3 hrs of NO NAP - HELP MOMMY AND DADDY!
We went to Costa Rica with Papa and Nona and her family - we had an absolutely amazing time. We had a house with a pool right on the ocean. Harper and Brady LOVED to swim, play in the sand and get their feet in the ocean. They didn't so much like the salty water though.
Great first family vacation - terrible plane ride with both of you. 3 hrs of NO NAP - HELP MOMMY AND DADDY!
Harper is THREE
What you are doing now that you are THREE:
1. You are sassy, and you give me attitude, but you are OH SO SWEET too
2. You never went through a terrible two's you were always my big helper
3. You will always be my peanut
4. You know your ABC's can point out every letter, sound them out and you know something that starts with that letter - normally it's someone's name in your class
5. You can write the letter ABCDEMWJH
6. You love coloring - or painting right now
7. We did our first art project for family - you made your handprint into salt dough and painted it to look like Santa Claus
8. You were absolutely AMAZED with Santa this year
9. You wake up a crab every morning
10. 5 out of the 7 nights in a week you end up in our bed snuggled up with daddy (he secretly loves it)
11. You still love your blankey
12. You haven't had any bathroom accidents in a LONG time
13. You can count to 20 and count to 5 in Spanish
14. You got a bike for your birthday and you ride it everywhere
15. You got a Power wheels jeep from Santa and you are a pretty good driver
16. You still love ballet and gymnastics - I think you are going to be a great athlete soon - soccer will start in the summer
17. You are a very polite little girl - and you are constantly worried about Brady
18. You share very well with your friends
19. You love Izzie, Addie, Blake and Ava - you are constantly talking about Blake and Ava
20. You love talking on the phone to your Papa, Nonna, Memo and Papa and Memo
21. You work my phone - with puzzles and games
22. You are really into disney princess movies right now
23. Your imagination has started to come alive - you are constantly playing house with your dolls
24. You love playing outside but you hate being dirty
25. You are my little helper - you take your plate to the sink and clean it, you help feed the dogs and you help fold clothes (I mean match socks).
26. You drive Brady nuts by taking his cars from him all the time
27. You love stroodles and oatmeal right now
28. You are a really good eater and love veggies especially cucumbers and carrots
29. We had your three year check up and you weighed 28.5 lbs (24%) and 37.25" tall (58%)
30. You are growing like a weed and are making a consistent effort to dress yourself - you are pretty good at getting your shoes on the right feet.
Goodness Harper, you are my little peanut. You have grown up to be such a sweet little lady and I love watching your eyes in amazement when you find out new things. Everything is so new and fascinating to you! You call everyone a stinker butt and I love it.
You are my light and we love you little peanut!
Christmas Time
Christmas at Memo and Papa's house |
Christmas 2012 |
Uncle Andy |
Uncle Andy and Harper |
Harper's School Christmas Performance |
Sarah, Harper and Caroline exchanging gifts |
Kunath Family Christmas Eve 2012 |
Harper's school Christmas Performance 2012 - You did not sing at all - did a few hand motions but that was it. |
Harper and Brady 2012 |
Walking down the stairs Christmas morning |
Harper, Bretta, Brady and Uncle Tommy |
Harper, Papa, Nonna and Brady |
Checking to see if Santa and the reindeer ate the cookies, carrots and drank the milk - THEY SURE DID |
Harper, Memo and Brady celebrating Christmas |
Check out what Santa brought us - a Jeep like Daddy's |
![]() |
Merry Christmas from the Kunath Family 2012 |
Brady opened up one car and he was done for the rest of the day. Harper helped EVERYONE open their gifts. Harper loved her leap pad and her baby Tangled and Brady was in love with his cars of course!!!
Christmas was very special this year - and I hope we can celebrate many more with friends and family!
Brady 19-20 months old
What you are doing at 19-20 months old:
1. You recognize letters of the alphabet - ABCDQRUCX are just a few
2. You know these because we watch the Letter Factory by Leap frog almost everytime we are in the car
3. You can sing the ABC song
4. You love the song We are Never Ever Ever Getting back together by Taylor Swift
5. You hate being buckled up in your car seat
6. You run everywhere
7. You open all the doors in the house and manage to sneak out every once in awhile
8. You wear a size 6 shoe and you have really wide feet
9. You wear a size 2T in shirts and pants
10. You are getting really good at puzzles on my phone
11. You have managed to somewhat sit and color for a few minutes, but most of it ends up on your stomach and your hands
12. You still take a really good nap - sometimes I have to wake you up because it cuts into our dinner time
13. You LOVE your sister and if Harper is not around, you ask Where Harper
14. You LOVE Katy and Derby - and really give them a hard time (they are really good with you though).
15. You brush your teeth all by yourself - even your tongue
16. You got alot of cars/trucks from Santa and they all make noise. You opened one car and you were done opening presents for the rest of the time
17. You love snow globes and are fascinated with our Christmas tree ornaments. I realized we needed to buy some shatterproof ornaments once you broke the first five
18. You were amazed with Santa - everywhere you saw him you would point and shout SANTA and REINDEER and LIGHTS
19. You love to play with the refrigerator letter magnets - you are constantly taking them in and out of the letter machine
20. You are obsessed with Dora, Lightning McQueen, Diego and Mickey Mouse
21. You are a great eater - will eat almost anything we put in front of you.
22. You can count to 5
23. You can recognize alot of different animals and can point to everything on your body
Goodness you have grown up so quickly. I can't believe how much you are talking - you say complete sentences almost daily and you are constantly repeating everything we say. You are a ball of fire and I love it. You keep me on my toes and I wouldn't change that for the world. You are my baby boy!!
We love you Brady!
1. You recognize letters of the alphabet - ABCDQRUCX are just a few
2. You know these because we watch the Letter Factory by Leap frog almost everytime we are in the car
3. You can sing the ABC song
4. You love the song We are Never Ever Ever Getting back together by Taylor Swift
5. You hate being buckled up in your car seat
6. You run everywhere
7. You open all the doors in the house and manage to sneak out every once in awhile
8. You wear a size 6 shoe and you have really wide feet
9. You wear a size 2T in shirts and pants
10. You are getting really good at puzzles on my phone
11. You have managed to somewhat sit and color for a few minutes, but most of it ends up on your stomach and your hands
12. You still take a really good nap - sometimes I have to wake you up because it cuts into our dinner time
13. You LOVE your sister and if Harper is not around, you ask Where Harper
14. You LOVE Katy and Derby - and really give them a hard time (they are really good with you though).
15. You brush your teeth all by yourself - even your tongue
16. You got alot of cars/trucks from Santa and they all make noise. You opened one car and you were done opening presents for the rest of the time
17. You love snow globes and are fascinated with our Christmas tree ornaments. I realized we needed to buy some shatterproof ornaments once you broke the first five
18. You were amazed with Santa - everywhere you saw him you would point and shout SANTA and REINDEER and LIGHTS
19. You love to play with the refrigerator letter magnets - you are constantly taking them in and out of the letter machine
20. You are obsessed with Dora, Lightning McQueen, Diego and Mickey Mouse
21. You are a great eater - will eat almost anything we put in front of you.
22. You can count to 5
23. You can recognize alot of different animals and can point to everything on your body
Goodness you have grown up so quickly. I can't believe how much you are talking - you say complete sentences almost daily and you are constantly repeating everything we say. You are a ball of fire and I love it. You keep me on my toes and I wouldn't change that for the world. You are my baby boy!!
We love you Brady!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Brady 17-18 months old
I can't believe I haven't posted anything in 2 months and boy oh boy how things have changed!
Things you are doing at 18 months:
1. You still wear size 18 month pants and a 2T shirt
2. You wear size 5 shoes, but you have the widest feet. I love your little puma tennis shoes but they are SO HARD to fit on your chubby feet
3. I gave you your first hair cut, it wasn't bad but you have really STRAIGHT and fine hair
4. You can count to 4
5. You know the letter B, and point to it all the time
6. You still LOVE LOVE LOVE cars and trucks
7. You love to dance especially to Call Me Maybe
8. You will eat fruit and vegetables all day long
9. You love your blankey - and still sleep with it
10. You love to ride Buzz Light Year - you could run circles around Harper on it
11. You prefer to be outside playing - or running I should say
12. You speak in sentences - and it's very clear
13. You say Night night when it's time to go to bed, and then Wuve You (Love you)
14. You throw the worst temper tantrums right now - you SCREAM at the top of your lungs, and it drives me NUTS
15. You hate time outs and refuse to sit through them
16. You aren't a big fan of going to bed
17. You have started to say your prayers before bed - you clasp your hands and say now i lay me
18. You finally are letting us brush your teeth for you - instead of you chewing on your toothbrush
19. You are constantly saying MINE - and it's only b/c Harper says it
20. You repeat everything we ask you too - I can't believe how much you are talking
21. You weigh 25 lbs, are 33" tall - all above average which your daddy is very excited about
22. We put up the Christmas tree this weekend and you managed to break 5 ornaments - by throwing them
23. Anytime there is a step you jump off of it
24. You like to color and it's nice to get a 30 second break from your craziness - I mean you NEVER sit still
25. You now arch your back and throw a fit everytime I put you in your car seat. And when I finally get you in your car seat, you say I do it (buckling your top buckle). Brady - you are definitely giving us a run for our money and prove yourself to be ALL BOY ALL THE TIME! I wouldn't change it for the world - but you may give me a few gray hairs early on! We love you Brady Boy!!!
1. You still wear size 18 month pants and a 2T shirt
2. You wear size 5 shoes, but you have the widest feet. I love your little puma tennis shoes but they are SO HARD to fit on your chubby feet
3. I gave you your first hair cut, it wasn't bad but you have really STRAIGHT and fine hair
4. You can count to 4
5. You know the letter B, and point to it all the time
6. You still LOVE LOVE LOVE cars and trucks
7. You love to dance especially to Call Me Maybe
8. You will eat fruit and vegetables all day long
9. You love your blankey - and still sleep with it
10. You love to ride Buzz Light Year - you could run circles around Harper on it
11. You prefer to be outside playing - or running I should say
12. You speak in sentences - and it's very clear
13. You say Night night when it's time to go to bed, and then Wuve You (Love you)
14. You throw the worst temper tantrums right now - you SCREAM at the top of your lungs, and it drives me NUTS
15. You hate time outs and refuse to sit through them
16. You aren't a big fan of going to bed
17. You have started to say your prayers before bed - you clasp your hands and say now i lay me
18. You finally are letting us brush your teeth for you - instead of you chewing on your toothbrush
19. You are constantly saying MINE - and it's only b/c Harper says it
20. You repeat everything we ask you too - I can't believe how much you are talking
21. You weigh 25 lbs, are 33" tall - all above average which your daddy is very excited about
22. We put up the Christmas tree this weekend and you managed to break 5 ornaments - by throwing them
23. Anytime there is a step you jump off of it
24. You like to color and it's nice to get a 30 second break from your craziness - I mean you NEVER sit still
25. You now arch your back and throw a fit everytime I put you in your car seat. And when I finally get you in your car seat, you say I do it (buckling your top buckle). Brady - you are definitely giving us a run for our money and prove yourself to be ALL BOY ALL THE TIME! I wouldn't change it for the world - but you may give me a few gray hairs early on! We love you Brady Boy!!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Brady is 16 months old
What you are doing at 16 months old:
1. Throwing terrible temper tantrums - you sound like a squealing pig
2. Your vocabulary is through the roof - you actually have been connecting two words - good job, hi daddy, big airplane and many more
3. You and Harper are really beginning to play together - you have so much fun when there are no toys in the middle
4. You are extremely fascinated with match box cars right now - you will hold at least 5 in your hands and you say VROOM VROOM as you drive the cars all over our apartment
5. You refuse to go to bed unless you throw your cars and everything else out of your bed at least 5 x's
6. You had a ruptured ear drum last month - it has finally healed
7. You love to take showers - you say SHOOOOOWER
8. You are getting better at climbing the stairs, but you still take a few spills every week
9. Your favorite thing to do is jump - you jump off of everything, including our bed, the couch and even concrete stairs outside
10. You terrify me every time you jump off the stairs, but I know you are a boy - so I let you go
11. You are wearing size 4 diapers, 18 mos - 2T shirts, 18 mos pants and a size 5 shoes
12. You are constantly touching things that are HOT, even though I tell you not to
13. Lately you have been taking hangers out of the closet and putting them in the kitchen. After you have brought all the hangers you can get to into the kitchen, you take them back to your room - this continues for about 5 minutes
14. You love Elmo, Dora, Mickey and Minnie - you can say all of their names and get so excited when you see them ANYWHERE
15. You throw everything - including things you are not supposed to. Your arm is pretty good, but your aim isn't
16. You are becoming a better eater, but you are very persistent when we ask if you want anymore - you shake your head NO
17. You say all done when you are finished eating, and then hand us your plate
18. You like to buckle things
19. You have broken 3 pairs of my sunglasses - you bend the frame backwards - no more nice sunglasses for mommy
20. Your favorite song right now is The Wheels on the bus - you roll your arms and somewhat sing along
21. You have three molars - the final one is popping through but not all the way through yet
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, where your temper tantrums may be coming to an end (hopefully I'm not speaking too soon) this will only happen as your vocabulary gets even better than it already is. Brady - you are our sweet baby boy, who's cute little glances make our heart skip a beat! We love you baby boy!
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