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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Harper at 16 months

Harper on her first Spring Break trip to Destin, FL.
What Harper is doing at 16 months:
1. Beginning to show her stubbornness at home (if we are playing outside she screams when we come inside). Good thing in our mind b/c she likes the outdoors so much
2. Beginning to throw temper tantrums. Jumps up in the air lands on her butt and throws her head backwards. It's actually very humorous to Danny and I.
3. Saying alot of words (yes, nodding her head; no, shaking her head (favorite word right now), push (pushing her baby buggy around the house), go, uh-oh, trees, brrr (which means bird), dog, ball, hat, shoe and eyes (she points to everyone's eyes including the dogs).
4. We have been singing "itsy bitsy spider" for awhile now and she does the hand motions, but our biggest accomplishment this week has been the "heads, shoulders, knees and toes"; she finally now starts at her head, then goes to somewhat of her shoulders, and bends down to her knees and finally touches her toes! Practice makes perfect!
5. She loves giving kisses (open mouthed of course) to mommy and daddy each day.
6. She wakes up saying dada and fish every single morning!
7. She has started to run everywhere
8. She has just started to like deli meat, it's not an everyday occurence; but we are coming around the bend with protein items.
9.  Danny still gets her to laugh the most, and everything he does to make her laugh only he can do. She loves it when he bounces her on the bed or drags her around on a blanket on the floor - she always says "more, more" in sign language.
10. Everything is a trampoline to her - and she loves bouncing....even if it's on the hardwood floors.
11. She is wearing 18 month clothes - some 2T dresses.
12. Harper loves pushing anything around the house and says push push - when we go outside she wants to push her wagon, stroller, or cozy coupe.....really anything that she can push.
13. Harper and I went to Destin for her first Spring Break last week - and we had an absolute blast.
14. She is a little fish and has absolutely no fear of the water. She would walk down the steps and basically jump in going under the water, as I would grab her she would smile and look at me like that was fun!
15. She loved the sand and wanted to crawl around in it the entire time.
16. The ocean was a tad chilly, but she loved it when I was holding her and waves came in she would say OHHHHH.....and laugh!
17. If I tried to put her down in the water she would say all done, and then motion to play in the sand again - then when she looked out at the ocean again she would say more more more...
18. Finally the last day she stuck her feet in the water and actually liked the waves. We are planning on taking a family vacation in September so she'll be a little more older to enjoy the ocean - hopefully the water is warmer this time around.
19. We bought Harper big girl furniture, but won't be moving her to her new room until July or August.
20. She loves books right now and wants to be read to all the time.
21. She has started to color, but still tries to eat the crayons.
22. She has been pointing out animals and items in the books we read to her everyday. Recently she pointed out monkey, duck, ball and baby.
23. She's using her utensils more and constantly wants to drink out of a big girl cup - which has proven very interesting for us. We have learned to fill her cup up very little so she doesn't spill everything all over the place.
24. She loves Katy and Derby. She crawls all over Katy and is constantly pointing at her eyes - we aren't really sure if Katy likes this or not :)

We can't believe that Harper is already 16 months old - where did the time go? She is truly becoming a little girl (still a baby) but a little girl. We love each month with Harper - she is the apple of our eye!!

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