Ok, so this picture is a little old (I'm 17 weeks pregnant) and am now currently almost 21 weeks pregnant. I know, I know you can't really see the little bambino with this outfit on, BUT I wanted to post a picture the same week I took one with Miss Harper (I had no noticeable belly with her either) so I could keep their books similar and not slack off on the second one like I know most people do (no offense). This blog is helping me :)
Current pregnancy:
How many weeks: currently 20 weeks and 5 days
Due Date: May 13, 2011
Gender: BOY (found out on Dec. 23rd)
Cravings: Salty and sweet - at the beginning wanted ONLY fast food (bad for the hips)
Size of Baby K: Banana
Best Feeling: feeling the baby kick
What I miss the most: drinking a glass of wine or having a beer with Danny
So the best news was on my 30th birthday. We went in for the usual ultra sound and Danny let me decide if we were going to find out the gender of baby #2. First the ultra sound tech made sure all was healthy with the new baby. Everything checked out fine, and the heartbeat was 149. Danny was playing with Harper in the same room, but sometimes she can consume all of ones attention, while the tech was showing me the umbilical cord....asking do you see it, do you see it. Me thinking yea I see it, and then she said well....do you see it (not really), but I guess I said, "Is it a boy?" She said yes, and Danny's head cocked up VERY quickly exclaiming, It's a boy?" After the initial shock was over, the tech conitnued with the bottom half of the check, which included feet, etc. Every shot was an open legged shot - I'm opening our little boy is not so open in the future! Here is a picture of the little one on the way!
Baby Boy Kunath (here I am mom and dad) |
Side profile shot - PERFECT |
Needless to say we are very excited that we will be welcoming a baby boy into our family on May 13th!!! We did somewhat have a girl's name picked out, but now since that is out of the question we'll need to think of some STRONG boy names!!!
Wanted to share the great news with everyone and keep a journal along the way for Baby #2!